Tuesday 18 September 2012

Exp 2 - Week 1

Problem: All 3 boxes are showing just one texture and I also have trouble linking the boxes to the dummy.

Barcelona Pavilion


The Barcelona Pavilion was demolished in 1930 and rebuilt 1959. It is built with a steel frame structure and made out of materials such as steel, glass, marble and onyx. The building consists of offset wall places and a low roof plane.

Rudin House

From afar, it looks like a typical house with a triangular roof and a box body. It is constructed with raw concrete and raised up on a platform that overhangs to collect rain water. 

House at Bordeaux

House in Bordeaux, Rem Koolhaas / OMA

The design is a complication of 3 houses stacked on one another with a central elevator that moves between each floor level. The top level is cantilevering over the transparent middle level, supported by steel tubes and the back end of the house is supported by a L-shape brace.


Saturday 8 September 2012





The letter and number combination for my island is N and 6. I have used 3 strategies to reveal and conceal the letter/number combination. These strategies are shadows, placement of objects and the shape of the terrain. On macro scale, I've created a river flowing through a small section of the terrain create a lower case n and the number 6. In some parts of the terrain I've manipulated the surface in the shape of N and 6. As for micro scale I've used the vegetation and sun to create shadows of 6 objects and shadows of the letter N. I've placed 6 objects grouped together and for the walls of the Chinese house, I've modeled it so that it creates a N and 6 from top view.

 5 Recreated scenes (Draft and final)

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

Scene 4

Scene 5


N6 Scales

 At Scene 1: Shadows at 16:39, 07:48 and 08:22 respectively

At scene 2

At scene 4

At scene 3: Shadows created at 16:05 and 15:55 respectively

Scene 5: Shadow created at 07:07


Sketchup models

These are the models i created for my level.
This bridge model is used in the 3rd scene. I originally used a bridge from cryengine3 but the material was weird so i had to create my own.

These Asian inspired models is for the 5th and final scene of my level. The scene is my recreation of the ZhuoZheng garden. Cryengine3 lacked structures that would fit in this asian scene so again i created my own models.


Teleportation Triggers 

My terrain is massive and so it's a little hard to get around for those unfamiliar with my island. The triggers allow the users to get to all 5 scenes in a specific order. I added a simple model to the triggers just to identity where they are. The model is inspired by the TV series 'Stargate'. 



The trailer is about a man who woke up finding himself on an unknown island. He starts exploring the island thinking he's the only one there then releases he's wrong. He encounters obstacles and fights for his life to survive on this mysterious island. He also discovers teleportation devices that lead him to different places making his journey more interesting and challenging. 




Week 6 - marking sheets and flowgraphs

Peer review

Of others

Of Mine


Removing Huds and display info

